Our Pastors and Our Church Staff
To get the email addresses please call us at the church office at 337-436-6656.
9-2:00 Monday-Friday
12-1:00 Closed for lunch
714 Pujo Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601
(across from south exit of church)
Our Pastors
Rev. Weldon Bares
Senior Minister
I have been the Senior Pastor for First United Methodist Church since June of 2010. I am responsible for preaching, teaching, leading worship, offering sacraments, weddings, funerals, and counseling. I am also the leader of our church staff.
(Weldon is a graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Asbury Theological Seminary.)
Rev. Steffanie Pace
Associate Pastor
On July 1, 2023, I began my third year at First United Methodist. It has been the greatest joy of my life to serve as a pastor at FUMC. If I can serve you in any way, or if you have any questions about our church please contact me via email, text, phone call, or send me a message on Facebook. I look forward to our journey together.
Our Church Staff
Jim Spitzkeit
Business Administrator
I work with the Finance Committee, Board of Trustees, and the church staff to make sure we have the financial and physical resources to fulfill our mission. If you have questions or need information about how you can support the church financially, please call or e-mail.
Kayla Rigney
Administrative Assistant
I produce the church bulletins, newsletters and any other mass mailings. I also act as the facility scheduling coordinator for all church events, non-church events, and weddings. I am the person to call if you need to schedule a room or put an announcement in the bulletin or newsletter. I also visit with those seeking assistance. Call (337-436-6656) or e-mail me kayla.rigney@fumclc.org if you have any questions.
Michelle Bergstedt
Guest and Membership Care Coordinator
I do my best to make sure all of the guests visiting our church feel welcomed and are given information about the church. I oversee our welcoming ministries such as ushers, greeters, and welcome center attendants as well as membership care ministries. Additionally, I am the membership secretary of the church so I handle all the record-keeping for new members, baptisms, confirmations, new births and deaths in the church family. If you are visiting or interested in joining, please contact me.
Mary Kathryn Norman
Director of Programs & Events
I plan, coordinate and publicize church programs and events. My focus is to help you strengthen your personal relationship with Jesus, as well as to provide opportunities for fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Specific areas that I cover include Sunday School curriculum, Bible and book studies, Mission/Outreach, and church-wide special events.
Dr. Linda Larson
Media Director
As media director, I have the honor of working with our church clergy and staff. I take care of the technology needs of the church My responsibilities include programming the slides for both services, lights for the contemporary service, and designing the graphics for the sermon series and announcements. In addition, I coordinate the sound and live video streaming for both services. I also maintain the church application and most of the church website. I am a retired professor from McNeese State University and I have a doctorate in Educational Technology and Leadership from Pepperdine University. If you have any questions, or if want to volunteer for our technology team, you can reach me at the church office.
Ann Courville
Director of Children's Ministries
I lead and plan activities for our children ages 3 years to 5th grade. That includes Sunday School, Children's Moments, and children's special events throughout the year.
Emmie Gonsoulin
Director of Music Ministries
As Director of Music Ministries, I conduct the Chancel Choir and work to develop a deeper understanding of music’s role in the faith and mission of our church. Since music is such an integral part of worship, it is my goal to grow the program through concerts, events, and special music services. If you are interested in joining the choir or would like to support music ministries at FUMC, I would love to hear from you!
Tony James
Contemporary Worship Director
As Contemporary Worship Director, I lead our 9:00 a.m. Worship service. I work each week to select music that will provide an uplifting and meaningful element to worship. If you would like any information about our Contemporary Service or any of our Contemporary Worship Teams, please contact me.
Brian Johnson
Assistant Director of Music Ministries/Assistant Organist & Pianist /Director of Asbury Ringers
From Madison, Wisconsin Former Director of Music/Organist at Bashford United Methodist Church, Madison, Wisconsin.
Moved to Lake Charles, in September 2020.
"I am thrilled to be here helping the church grow!"
Marlene Mullenix
Organist and Pianist
Marlene Mullenix is our organist and pianist. Marlene is a native of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where she studied piano, theory, voice, and organ. She earned her Associate Diploma (A.T.C.L.) in Piano Performance, from the Trinity College of Music, London, England in 1977, followed by the Piano Associate Diploma in Piano Pedagogy, from the Royal Conservatory of Music, University of Toronto. In 1982 she also received the Licentiate Diploma (L.T.C.L.) in piano from Trinity College. A Master of Music Degree in Organ Performance from Rice University in Houston came next in 1989.
Nathan Guillory
Assistant Media Director
Nathan J. Guillory is Assistant Media Director and in charge of streaming . He streams professionally on social media. Previously he worked as a Union electrician for 8 years. He earned an associate degree from Sowela College with Concentration in Industrial Electrical Engineering; He enjoys live streaming video games for non-profit organizations such as St. Jude and Extra Life Charity, including the founding of FUMCLC Media. On occasion, he does photography, videography, and digital graphics designing.
Tiffany Guillory
Youth Director
Tiffany Guillory is the youth director and director of the Children's Bell Choir at FUMC. She is the assistant Band Director at LaGrange High School . Tiffany earned a BA from McNeese State University in 2007; MAT from Louisiana College and Certification in Music K-12 in 2010; Specialist in Ed. Leadership and +30 in 2015 from McNeese . She plays clarinet regularly at First United Methodist Church and teaches private lessons on woodwinds instruments and piano.
Jimmie Woods
Church Sexton
Greg Tete
FUMC Security
I retired from the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office in 2016 after serving 40 years in corrections. I coordinate uniformed security for Sunday services, Christmas Eve services, and some of the other special largely attended events, instruct security awareness to greeters, ushers, security monitor volunteers and church staff, and coordinate security monitor volunteers. If you are interested in monitoring or have any questions, please let me know when you see me at the church.
Diane Brown
First Methodist School Director / Church Nursery Coordinator
I am the Director of our Day School. Monday thru Friday our trained staff cares for 175-200 infants through 4 years old.
I also schedule and supervise loving and qualified nursery workers to care for your most precious gifts while you worship or grow in faith through study at the church. Our nursery is also for children 6 weeks through 4 years old.
Clay Leger
Maintenance Assistant
I assist with the maintenance & custodial needs of the church in order to keep our church facility in good condition.
Tammy Brown
I assist in the care of the church, helping to keep our beautiful facility ready for worship and study. I am always happy to help you and your group have a great experience.