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These are my weekly articles that are published in the Lake Charles American Press. I hope and pray that they are helpful to you, as we grow in our faith together. God bless you!
Rev. Weldon C. Bares
"What Would You Do With $500,000?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
Harry Denman was a well-known lay Methodist evangelist. He told a story about a woman who visited her pastor one day. She reminded him...
"Major World Religions" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
We live in a world that is so diverse. That diversity can be clearly seen in this country, especially in the area of religion. While...
"What Are the Greatest Journeys in History?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I have an interesting book that is entitled, “The Seventy Great Journeys in History.” The book highlights many important journeys,...
"The Holidays Can Be Painful" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
The holiday season can be a time of pain for people. It's not all beautiful Christmas trees and smiling children sitting around opening...
"Bob Dylan Movie - 'A Complete Unknown" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
A movie about Bob Dylan will be released on Christmas Day. The film stars Timothee Chalamet as the young Dylan and is entitled “A...
"Lest We Forget" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
An old story tells of a Persian king who rose from a poverty-stricken home to the glory of being king. When he was crowned king, he sent...
"How Can We Grow Closer to God?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
Someone recently asked me, “I want to be closer to God. How can I do that? What do you suggest?” I commended this person for wanting to...

"Do You Know the Fiftieth Child?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
Frank Crane was a Presbyterian minister who wrote an essay many years ago entitled "The 50th Boy." Try to update his words from 1923 to...
"Are You Feeling Rejected? - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I love the writings of G. Campbell Morgan. I especially love his background story. In 1888, he was a candidate for the ministry in his...
"Visiting the Ancient City of Philippi" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
It was a wonderful privilege on a group tour to visit the ancient city of Philippi in northern Greece recently. The highlight of the trip...
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