Mitch Albom is a really good author who has sold over 40 million books. He is a columnist for the Detroit Free Press.
He wrote “Tuesdays with Morrie,” “The Five People You Will Meet in Heaven,” “For One More Day,” “The First Phone Call from Heaven.” I recently read his book, “Have A Little Faith.”
In his book, he relates the following story told by his rabbi: A minister was visiting a country church, and he began his sermon with a stirring reminder: “Everyone in this church is going to die!”
The minister looked around. He noticed a man in the front pew, smiling broadly. “Why are you so amused?” he asked. “I am not from this church,” the man said. “I’m just visiting my sister for the weekend.” Obviously, he missed the point.
Scripture is very clear about this. Hebrews chapter 9, verse 27 observes: “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that, the judgment.”
Somehow, I just believe that we are a little better off if we occasionally remember our own mortality. That day is certainly coming for each one of us. There is no avoiding it.
I come across many who think and act as if they will be here forever. They won’t. I won’t. You won’t.
The prophet Amos cried out very simply, “Prepare to meet your God.” (Amos 4:12)
This life is not all there is. The end is not really the end.