Upcoming Events
Church-Wide Advent Study
Sundays in Advent
Worship Center
Join Rev. Weldon for our church-wide Advent study on "Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph." This study concludes on Sunday, December 22nd at 10 am in the Worship Center. All are invited!
Christmas Eve Services
Tuesday, December 24th
Tuesday, December 24th - Communion and Candlelight Services
4:00 PM Contemporary Service in the Worship Center
5:30 & 7:00 PM Traditional Services in the Sanctuary
“A Pastor’s Reflection”
Church Office
Rev. Weldon has published 140 of his favorite columns for “A Pastor’s Reflection.” The book is available in the church office for $15.
One Service Sunday
Sunday, December 29th
10 am
On Sunday, December 29th, we will have one Traditional service at 10am in the Sanctuary.
Collection Corner
Table outside Paxton Hall
We have many opportunities for donations at FUMCLC. Our collection table outside Paxton Hall is now accepting Community Coffee labels, Kleenex, and hand sanitizer for Kaufman Elementary, cake mix and icing for Faith and Friends Food Pantry, mosquito spray, hand wipes, and blessing bags for our Homeless Ministry. Thank you for supporting our local community!