Visiting: How to Get Involved?
We are so glad you are visiting us.
This short video will introduce you to life at the First United Methodist and to the ways you can get involved.
Attend the Live Worship Services
Worship with us Sunday!
Contemporary Worship
9:00 am
Contemporary Worship Center
Traditional Worship
11:00 am
Programs for Children and Youth
A Great Home for Children and Young Adults
Youth 180 Ignite
6th Grade - 12th Grade
Children's JAM (Jesus And Me!)
4yrs - 5th Grade
Nursery During Worship & Studies
6wks - 4yrs
Growing In Faith Through Study & Discussion
Sunday School
We have classes for children, youth, and Adults.
Bible & Book Studies
Streaming Archive
Current and Ongoing Bible Studies
Discover FUMC
Classes on Methodism are held twice a year in the Fall and in the Spring for those wanting to learn more about the Methodist faith.
Join the Church Family
Friendships based on Christ's love.
A church family will pray and serve when one is in need. A church family will celebrate joys with one another. A church family will help hold up those who are struggling through hard times.
A church family is not made of perfect people, but they do honor the One who is... by loving one another.
Attend Church Events
A Staff Devoted To Serving God and His people.
If you have any questions about worship, ministries, or activities, please let us know! It is our pleasure to welcome you into our church home and introduce you to folks who embrace "radical hospitality."
Call us at 337-436-6656.
See you this Sunday!